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For webmasters

Update date: 28 Apr 2022, 15:56

On the official website of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan, it is possible to obtain information from foreign currencies to the sum, in a structured form for further processing and calculations.

This possibility was created for synchronous (automatic) receipt of information from the site by other systems connected to the Internet, as well as other sites that publish currencies of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Information is provided in the formats   XML   и   JSON  .

XML Description of currency courses in XML format

When applying to the link «https://cbu.uz/ru/arkhiv-kursov-valyut/xml/» by default.

Currency courses can be requested by individual currencies and/or by a certain date.


https://cbu.uz/ru/arkhiv-kursov-valyut/xml/ – when applying Without parameters, last week courses are issued!

https://cbu.uz/ru/arkhiv-kursov-valyut/xml/all/2018-12-11/ – when requesting a parameter «2018-12-11» with the requested date, courses are issued for all currencies for the requested date;

https://cbu.uz/ru/arkhiv-kursov-valyut/xml/RUB/2019-01-01/ – when requesting a parameter «RUB» indicating the requested currency, as well as the parameter «2019-01-01» indicating the requested date, a course on the requested currency on the requested date is issued;

Information is provided in the form of a standard XML document for the following structure:

<CBU_Curr> – a key tag that determines the upper level;

<CcyNtry> – each element CCYNTRY contains the ID attribute (currency code - 840, 978, 643 and others);

<Ccy>– symbolic currency code (Alfa-3). For example: USD, EUR, RUB, etc.;

<CcyNm_RU> – the name of the currency in Russian;

<CcyNm_UZ> – the name of the currency in the Uzbek (Latin) language;

<CcyNm_UZC> – the name of the currency in the Uzbek (Cyrillic) language;

<CcyNm_EN> – the name of the currency in English;

<CcyMnrUnts> – the number of signs of the fractional part of the course;

<Nominal> – the number of currency units;

<Rate> – currency;

<Date> – the date of activation.

JSON Description of currencies courses in json format

When applying to the link «https://cbu.uz/ru/arkhiv-kursov-valyut/json/» by default.

Currency courses can be requested by individual currencies and/or by a certain date.


https://cbu.uz/ru/arkhiv-kursov-valyut/json/ – When contacting without parameters, last week courses are issued!

https://cbu.uz/ru/arkhiv-kursov-valyut/json/all/2018-12-11/  – -upon request with the parameter «2018-12-11» indicating the requested date, courses for all currencies for the requested date are issued;

https://cbu.uz/ru/arkhiv-kursov-valyut/json/RUB/2019-01-01/ – when requesting the parameter «RUB» indicating the requested currency, as well as the parameter «2019-01-01» indicating the requested date, a course on the requested currency on the requested date is issued;

Information is provided in the form of a standard JSON document for the following structure:

<id>  – Порядковый номер ;

<Code>  – serial number; 840, 978, 643...;

<Ccy>  – Символьный код валюты (альфа-3). Например: USD, EUR, RUB и др;

<CcyNm_RU> – Наименование валюты на русском языке;

<CcyNm_UZ> – Наименование валюты на узбекском (латиница) языке;

<CcyNm_UZC> – Наименование валюты на узбекском (кириллица) языке;

<CcyNm_EN> – Наименование валюты на английском языке;

<Nominal> – Количество единиц валюты;

<Rate> – Курс валюты;

<Diff> – Разница курсов валюты;

<Date> – Дата активизации.

USD = 12931.94
EUR = 14107.45
RUB = 150.18
GBP = 16727.46
JPY = 87.75
CHF = 14675.37
CNY = 1788.03
All currencies
Online доступ к общедоступным информационным ресурсам ЦБ РУз в сети Интернет, с возможностью просматривать и получать обновленную информацию, в том числе сведения о курсах валют.
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