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Yield curve

Update date: 27 Aug 2024, 16:06

Government securities (GS) yield curve is a graph showing the relationship between the prices and maturities of debt instruments in the national currency. This graph shows the yields that are offered on government securities at various maturities.

The GS yield curve is calculated on the basis of the yield of government securities (bonds issued by the Ministry of Economy and Finance as well as the Central Bank) formed in the primary and secondary markets, the money market overnight rate, the interest rates of the Central Bank's deposit and REPO auctions.

The estimation of GS yield curve is carried out on the basis of weekly operations’ results up until 18:00 of Tuesday and is published every Wednesday by 10:00.

The yield curve is one of the important indicators for financial market participants, allowing to form expectations about future economic conditions and inflationary processes.

Useful links

pdf 249.6 KB
The methodology for estimation and publication of government securities yield curve
pdf 217.5 KB
Theoretical methodology for estimating the government securities yield curve

USD = 12931.94
EUR = 14107.45
RUB = 150.18
GBP = 16727.46
JPY = 87.75
CHF = 14675.37
CNY = 1788.03
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