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Press Service

Update date: 17 Feb 2025, 12:02

Information on media relations

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 5296 of January 9, 2018 "On measures to radically improve the activities of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan"* The Department of public relations and communication policy provides coverage of relevant aspects of the activities of the Central Bank and the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Following the principles of openness and transparency the Press Service can provide all kinds of available information concerning the activities of the CBU, except for information classified as “Confidential” and “Secret”.

The department of public relations and communication policy: Akmal Nazarov Narimanovich 

Phone: (+998 71) 212-73-30 
Email: info@cbu.uz.

Procedure for media representatives to address the Central Bank

  1. Send hand written requests to the following address: 100001, the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan avenue 6. Requests. Requests should be made on an official letterhead signed by the responsible head and editor-in-chief.

  2. Send email requests to info@cbu.uz

  3. Call on this number (+998 71) 212-60-52.

All requests should contain the following:

  • formulation of the main topic of the material;
  • a list of questions;
  • the date of publication or broadcasting of material;
  • information on an editorial office and a correspondent (office and mobile phones, e-mail address).

Answers are provided in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Principles and Guarantees of Freedom of Information” and “On Guarantees and Freedom of Access to Information."

Regulations on the Press service of the Republic of Uzbekistan (In Uzbek)

Information on the procedure for accreditation of media representatives in the Central Bank

For accreditation of a media correspondent, the editorial board submits an application on its official letterhead signed by the editor-in-chief and stamped.

The editorial board's application must specify:
  • name and type of media;
  • specialization;
  • distribution area;
  • email address;
  • phone and fax numbers of the editorial office;
  • surname, first name and patronymic of the correspondent submitted for accreditation;
  • the equipment that this correspondent must have with him to perform his professional duties.
The application is accompanied by a certificate containing detailed information (official position, passport data, copies of the correspondent's diploma, e-mail address, telephone and fax number) and four photos of the necessary form. The application for accreditation of a correspondent is considered by the Central Bank within one month from the date of receipt of the corresponding request.

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