50 000 soum


Description of the banknote (banknote) with a denomination of 50,000 soums of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The size of the banknote of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan with worth 50,000 soums is 147 x 69 mm.

The banknote is printed on security paper, the front and back sides are coated with a special varnish.

On the right side of the banknote, on a light background, there are watermarks in the form of the number "50,000 and a camel " as a symbol of the ancient "Great Silk Road".

On the right side of the banknote there is a 3 mm wide green, "motion" effect, color-changing, metallized and machine-readable protective strip.

The predominant color of the front and back sides is purple in combination with other colors.

On the front side, on the left side of the banknote, there is an architectural monument “AL-HAKIM AT-TERMIZIY MAQBARASI”, dating back to the 11th-12th centuries, located in the Surkhandarya region.


In the upper left corner there is the number "50000" in burgundy, with text in the upper part "O'ZBEKISTON RESPUBLIKASI MARKAZIY BANKI", half of which is printed in blue, half in burgundy, and the Emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the upper right corner is dark red.

A special blue element on the right and left edges is designed for people with low vision, which enables to determine the value of the banknote due to the embossing feature of the paint.

At the bottom of the banknote, the ornamental background contains a "latent" (hidden) image in the form of the abbreviation "UZ", which is visible at a certain angle of the banknote when exposed to the light source.

At the bottom of the left side there is the inscription "ELLIK MING SO'M", reflecting the denomination of the banknote and the text "O'ZBEKISTON SO'MI RESPUBLIKA HUDUDIDA HAMMA TO'LOVLAR UCHUN O'Z QIYMATI BO'YICHA QABUL QILINISHI SHART".

The above-described images are made using an intaglio printing method, giving a sense of raised ink to the touch.

On the light background on the right side of the banknote there are rings of different diameters against copying, and when copied, the images will be distorted.

At the top, in the outline of the map of Uzbekistan, light lines show the directions of the caravan routes of the "Great Silk Road".

In the upper left, the image of the "embossed stamp", a find of the Sopollitepa archeological monument of the Surkhandarya region, serves as a register, serving to align the "obverse" and "reverse" sides. When exposed to the light, the white part is combined with the colored elements on the back of the banknote to create a complete image.

The banknote number consists of a two-letter series of the Latin alphabet and a seven-digit number, printed horizontally on the right and vertically on the left.

The reverse side of the banknote depicts an ancient archaeological site in the territory of the Surkhandarya region "FAYOZTEPA ARXEOLOGIYA YODGORLIGI" dating back to the 1st-7th centuries.


In the center there is an image of a "flying dove" - a symbol of peace, a modern special protective element "Spark live", which creates the effect of movement and color change at different angles.

The right side shows 2 different types of ceramic dishes found in the archaeological excavations of Sopollitepa, Surkhandarya region, dating back to the 17th-15th centuries BC.

In the upper left there is the text " O‘ZBEKISTON RESPUBLIKASI MARKAZIY BANKI " and the year of issue of the banknote "2021".

In the lower part, in the right and left corners on the same line, the denomination “50000” is placed in white, and the inscription “ELLIK MING SO‘M” is also placed in the upper right corner.


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