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Main office of the Central Bank
Contact number (+998 71) 212-62-05

Department of Currency Regulation and Balance of Payments

Update date:  17 Apr 2024, 11:32
  • Manager: Olimov Abror Mirzo Mukhammadkosimovich

Contact details


Tasks and Functions

Department tasks:
  • formation of the policy of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of currency regulation and currency control and participation in its implementation;
  • formation of systematic accounting and analysis of the balance of payments.

Department functions:
  • study of foreign experience and practice of applying legislation on currency regulation and making proposals for its improvement;
  • methodological support, formation and dissemination of statistics of the balance of payments, international investment position, total external debt, foreign exchange rates (statistics of the external sector);
  • monitoring and organizing the implementation of foreign exchange transactions, as well as sources of supply and demand in the domestic foreign exchange market;
  • analysis of the inflow and outflow of foreign exchange funds, as well as currency transactions.

USD = 12599.83
EUR = 13675.86
RUB = 147.78
GBP = 16214.72
JPY = 81.71
CHF = 14267.73
CNY = 1737.43
All currencies
Online доступ к общедоступным информационным ресурсам ЦБ РУз в сети Интернет, с возможностью просматривать и получать обновленную информацию, в том числе сведения о курсах валют.
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