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Main office of the Central Bank
Contact number (+998 71) 212-62-05


Update date:  5 Mar 2020, 12:13

In order to build confidence and guarantee of bank secrecy on accounts and deposits of physical persons in commercial banks of February 20, 2008 Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On additional measures to liberalize conditions and ensure guarantees of population's deposits in commercial banks."

On the basis of this decree established that individuals can invest in any commercial bank funds on deposit accounts, including deposits payable to bearer, in national and foreign currency.
In order to fulfill the requirements of the Decree in all commercial banks of the republic there are hotlines.
If you have problems on deposits, you may contact the below mentioned hotlines from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays.

Tashkent—71 200-00-44
Regions of the republic— 0 800 200-00-44
With cell phone— (+998 71) 200-00-44

USD = 12827.90
EUR = 13832.32
RUB = 132.85
GBP = 16648.05
JPY = 83.99
CHF = 14787.20
CNY = 1799.83
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