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Main office of the Central Bank
Contact number (+998 71) 212-62-05

Department of Monetary Operations

Update date:  6 Dec 2021, 20:21
  • Manager: Adilov Alimardon Abdurazakovich

Contact details

Phone: 71-212-60-85

Tasks and Functions

Department tasks:
  • the use of monetary policy instruments in order to maintain price stability, their advancements and increase in efficiency.
Department functions:
  • provision and attraction of liquidity in the interbank money market;
  • implementation of interventions by the Central Bank in the foreign exchange market;
  • conducting operations on the government securities market;
  • monitoring and analysis of operations carried out in exchange offices and conversion departments of commercial banks;
  • improving the regulatory framework for the implementation of monetary transactions.

USD = 12599.83
EUR = 13675.86
RUB = 147.78
GBP = 16214.72
JPY = 81.71
CHF = 14267.73
CNY = 1737.43
All currencies
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