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Main office of the Central Bank
Contact number (+998 71) 212-62-05

Payment Systems department

Update date:  5 Jan 2024, 16:23
  • Manager: Vacancy

Contact details

phone: 71-212-61-29

Tasks and Functions

Tasks and Functions

The main tasks of the department:

performing tasks within the framework of a unified state policy in the field of payments and payment systems

The main functions of the department:

organizing measures to introduce new payment services for the population and business entities in the payment services market, expanding the volume of payments using a QR code and NFC technology, increasing the share of payments in 24/7 mode by increasing the number of customers using remote banking services;

execution and control of tasks for the development of the infrastructure of payment systems, a network of ATMs and terminals;

control over the activities of subjects of payment systems in the payment services market, maintaining a register of subjects of payment systems and taking measures in relation to these subjects;

creating conditions for expanding the use of electronic money in order to increase non-cash payments;

consideration and resolution of the issue of participation of banks and payment system entities in the payment systems of the Central Bank;

organization of the development of regulatory documents on the activities of payment systems, the issuance of bank cards, the circulation of electronic money and the rules of non-cash payments.

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