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Main office of the Central Bank
Contact number (+998 71) 212-62-05

1 sum (was in circulation until March 1, 2020)



Banknotes of the Central Bank of Uzbekistan of 1 sum denomination of 1994 series are made on white paper of 120 x 62 mm size with watermark in the form of dark threads with octahedral pattern throughout banknotes. On the left side of the banknote throughout its width the security thread is located. The dominant colours of the banknote obverse and reverse are light colours of green pink. On the edges of the banknote a white framing mount is located.

On the upper side of the banknote obverse above the blue-violet ornament the text “ЎЗБЕКИСТОН РЕСПУБЛИКАСИ МАРКАЗИЙ БАНКИ” with the dark green shadow is printed. Above this text two dark green threads are located where between two lines the thread with continuous micro-text “ЎЗБЕКИСТОНРЕС- ПУБЛИКАСИМАРКАЗИЙБАНКИ” takes place. On the lower, central part of the note set in a frame, on the green ground with pink edges there is a text “ЎЗБЕКИСТОН СЎМИ РЕСПУБЛИКА ҲУДУДИДА ҲАММА ТЎЛОВЛАР УЧУН ЎЗ ҚИЙМАТИ БЎЙИЧА ҚАБУЛ ҚИЛИНИШИ ШАРТ”, printed in 3 lines.

On the left part of the note above the guilloche pattern, composed of pink and violet hemstitch threads the Coat  of Arms of the Republic of Uzbekistan of dark green colour is located, under it there is seven numeral numbers with two letter series of Latin alphabet of black colour.

On the right part of the note above the guilloche pattern consisting of pink and violet hemstitch threads a round ornament of green colour is located, in the centre of which there is a number “1” in the dark green frame, below it the numeral “1994” of dark green colour indicating the year of issue of the note takes place.

The reverse of the banknote set in a frame which coinsides round with the ornament and oblong oval filled by various patterns. From two sides of the central part of the frame there  is located a violet ornament in the round overlaping with the round of the obverse.  Inside of the frame on the pink-green ground the State Academic Great Theatre named by Alisher Navoi in Tashkent takes place.

On the right side of the note on pink background the fountain placed the square, on the left side of the note on pink background the number “1” in the ornamental design is are situated. Lower part of the design is green. The colour of the number “1” is violet with green threads in its centre. On the lower part of  the note in the oval frames, on each edges the text “БИР СЎМ” is placed in white features with dark green shade. Near the centre in pattern rounds of green colour the ornamental number “1” is placed.

Between two rounds in the green frame, merging into pink on the left part an inscription in 2 lines “ЎЗБЕКИСТОН СЎМИНИ ҚАЛБАКИЛАШТИРИШ ҚОНУНАН ТАЪҚИБ ҚИЛИНАДИ” takes place. In the centre of the obverse and reverse an anti-copy print in form “X” takes place. Under UV light on the obverse of the note in its centre the numeral “1”, the note series and number of dark green colour, and the centre of the obverse and reverse with light green colour, blue and green fibers are visible.

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GBP = 16214.72
JPY = 81.71
CHF = 14267.73
CNY = 1737.43
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