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Main office of the Central Bank
Contact number (+998 71) 212-62-05

200 sum (was in circulation until Jule 1, 2020)



Banknotes of the Central Bank of Uzbekistan of 200 sum denomination of 1997 series are made on white paper of 142 x 69 mmsize. On wide white space on the right side of the note there is a local watermark with picture of the Coat of Arms of the Republic ofUzbekistan. On the left side of the obverse of the note  there is a narrow white space in the form of band of 3-4 mm width, and on the reverse on the right part as a band of 5 mm width.

Over all its width nearly the centre of the note a security metallized polyester thread of 1,2 mm width consis-ting of repeated white coloured text “ЎЗБЕКИСТОН” with interchanging direct and inclined letters is pressed.

Dominant colours of the obverse are green-yellow, violet-brown and on the reverse are green-dark blue-ochre. On the upper part of the note obverse on the dark violet thread there is a text of white tone “ЎЗБЕКИСТОН РЕСПУБЛИКАСИ МАРКАЗИЙ БАНКИ”. Under it in ornamental frame the Coat of Arms of the Republic of Uzbekistan is. On the lower middle part of the note there is the seven numerals number with two letter series of Latin alphabet made up in black colour with added special magnetic ink. Such number is on the left part of the note, but with added fluorescent ink while prin-ting. 

In the lower part of the note in the centre on the ornamental element background  there are inscriptions “200” and “СЎМ” of different colour located on each other. On the lower part of the note the text “ЎЗБЕКИСТОН СЎМИ РЕСПУБЛИКА ҲУДУДИДА БАРЧА ТЎЛОВЛАР УЧУН ЎЗ ҚИЙМАТИ БЎЙИЧА ҚАБУЛ ҚИЛИНИШИ ШАРТ” is. The ornamental element of the note are octahedrons, lo-wer frame, the text “ЎЗБЕКИСТОН РЕСПУБЛИКАСИ МАРКАЗИЙ БАНКИ” which made using metallographic printing that gives sensation of thickness of ink while touching with the banknote by tips of the fingers. On the lower part of ornamental frame on the left there are a lot of fine lines, at the definite angle of which  the number “200” can be seen. 

On the right lower part of the note on the wide white space under the series and number of the note there is the number «200», underlined by continuous micro-text  “ЎЗБЕКИСТОНРЕСПУБЛИКАСИ- МАРКАЗИЙБАНКИ”, which can be red under the magnifier. On the upper part there is the rosette printed by special security ink,  which changes its colour tint depending on vision angle and have tints from green to red; and above it the numeral “1997” takes place which indicates the year of the note issue. 

On the obverse of the note, in the area of the Coat of Arms of the Republic of Uz¬bekistan in three rows one under another the numerals “200” of various height, over all paper the green and blue fibres in chaotic manner, the note series and number in dark green are visible under UV light.

On the reverse in the centre of the note there is  the subject assumed as a basis from Sherdor Madrasah’s façade in Samarkand in the form of lion carrying on its back the sun. On the left of the lion on the green background there is an anti-copy print in the form of “X”.  On the upper left and lower right parts of the note centre the denomination numeral “200 СЎМ” is located. On the ground of the note the phrase “ЎЗБЕКИСТОН СЎМИНИ ҚАЛБАКИЛАШТИРИШ ҚОНУНГА МУВОФИҚ ТАЪҚИБ ҚИЛИНАДИ“ is, on the lower left part of the note on the greenish blue rosette the numeral  “200” is located. On the background of manycoloured ornamental elements there are the intercrossing inscriptions “200” and “СЎМ” in different colours, the same inscriptions but smaller and only in dark green are located on the upper left side.

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