10,000 soum banknote:
Dimensions 147 х 69 mm.
The banknote is printed on protective paper, and the yellow and blue invisible fibers arranged randomly in the paper are visible under ultraviolet light.
On the right side of banknote, there is the form of a camel as a symbol of the ancient "Great Silk Road" caravan route and the number "10000" as a symbol of watermarks.
On the right side of the banknote, there is a sheet of paper 3 mm wide and there is a metallized and machine-readable protective strip with the inscription "UZB".
The main colors of the front and back are blue, purple and pink.
On the left side of the front side of the banknote, there is an architectural monument "KO’KALDOSH MADRASASI" in the city of Tashkent, built in 1551-1575.
In the left and right margins of this image there is a continuous statement "O’ZBEKISTON RESPUBLIKASI MARKAZIY BANKI"
On the left side of the upper part there is the number “10000”, printed with color-variable OVI ink, which changes from golden to green under the appearance of a certain slope angle.
In the upper part of the banknote there is the statement "O’ZBEKISTON RESPUBLIKASI MARKAZIY BANKI", in the upper right corner of the banknote in blue, the Emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan is depicted.
For visually disabled people, a special blue element has been developed on the right and left edges, which allows them to determine the value of the banknote due to the printed ink feature.
At the bottom of the banknote, there is a "latent" (hidden) image in the form of "UZ" based on embossed ornaments, which has a certain slope relative to the light source.
In the lower part, on the left side, there is an inscription "O’N MING SO’M", reflecting the denomination of the banknote and the statement "O’ZBEKISTON SO’MI RESPUBLIKA HUDUDIDA HAMMA TO’LOVLAR UCHUN O’Z QIYMATI BO’YICHA QABUL QILINISHI SHART"
The above images are done by metallographic printing and you can feel the bulge of the paint when you touch it with your fingertip.
On the light background on the right side of the banknote are placed anti-copy rings of different diameters, and when copied, these images lose clarity.
In the upper part, in the outline of the map of Uzbekistan, light lines depict the directions of the caravan roads of the "Great Silk Road".
The image of the "gate" located in the upper left part, as a symbol of the gate of the city of Tashkent, is a register and serves to align the "front" and "back" sides When exposed to light, the white part combines with the colored elements on the back of the banknote to create a complete pattern.
The banknote number consists of a two-letter series of the Latin alphabet and a seven-digit number. On the right side, the number is printed horizontally, on the left side - vertically.
The series and numbers in the horizontal view are printed in ferromagnetic protective paint, while the vertical view is printed in luminescent protective paint and irradiated in yellow under ultraviolet light.
The reverse side of the banknote depicts the most ancient monument in the territory of the city of Tashkent "SHOSHTEPA ARXEOLOGIYA YODGORLIGI", dating back to the I century BC.
On the right side there are images of a sample of the ancient craft of Tashkent in the form of a ceramic tray (lyagan), dating back to the X-XII centuries, and household utensils of the X century.
In the upper left corner the statement "O ‘ZBEKISTON RESPUBLIKASI MARKAZIY BANKI" and the year of issue of the banknote "2021" are imprinted.
In the lower left and right corners of the banknote there is a line with the face value of the banknote "10000" in white and in the upper right corner there is an inscription " O’N MING SO’M ".
The image of the gate in the image of the gates of Tashkent under this inscription serves as a register, to match the "front" and "back" sides of the banknote.
The embroidered decorative frame on the left and right sides is made of a continuously repeated statement " O ‘ZBEKISTON RESPUBLIKASI MARKAZIY BANKI ".
The word "UZBEKISTAN" is printed in the form of microtext, which is a continuous line that divides the images on the left.
At the bottom of the banknote there is a warning statement "O’ZBEKISTON SO’MINI QALBAKILASHTIRISH QONUNGA MUVOFIQ TAQIB QILINADI".