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The 3rd Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Monument to Amir Temur)

Update date: 19 Jul 2019, 14:22

The 3rd Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan
(Monument to Amir Temur)

This silver coin was minted in 1994 to celebrate the 3rd anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The obverse of the coin features the monument to Amir Temur sitting on a horse with the inscriptions "·TOŞKENT·" and "AMIR TEMUR HAYKALI" encircling the monument. There is the number "10" indicating the denomination of the coin below the figure and the currency name "SŌM" placed under the number. The designation of the metal and the hallmark of an alloy "Ag. 99.9" are shown on the lower right side of the figure.

The reverse of the coin bears the Symbol of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the text "O̅ZBEKISTON MUSTAQILLIGININ̅ 3 YILLIGI" around the Symbol. The year of issue "1994" is indicated under the Symbol. The reverse of the coin is encircled by an ornament.

The edge of the coin is corrugated. Diameter – 38.0 mm. Weight – 31.1 gr. 

  • Type of metal: Серебряные монеты
  • Weight: 31.1
  • Value: 10
  • Purity: 999.9
  • Quality: PROOF
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