Amir Temur
This gold coin was minted in 1997 to commemorate Amir Temur.
The obverse of the coin features the monument to Amir Temur sitting on a horse. There is the number "100" indicating the denomination of the coin below the figure and the currency name "SO'M" placed underneath it. Amir Temur’s lifetime "1336" and "1405" are shown on the left and right sides of the figure. The inscription "AMIR TEMUR" is placed in the shape of a semicircle on the upper part of the coin. The obverse of the coin is encircled by a bead ornament.
The reverse of the coin bears the Symbol of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Symbol is placed at the centre of the coin and encircled by a bead ornament. The text "OʻZBEKISTON RESPUBLIKASI" comes in the form of a semicircle on the upper part. The year of issue "·1997·" is indicated on the lower part of the coin. The designation of the metal and the hallmark of an alloy "Au 999.9" are shown on the left side of the numbers, while the fine weight of the metal "31.1 gr." on the right side.
The edge of the coin is corrugated. Diameter – 38.0 mm. Weight – 31.1 gr.
- Type of metal: Золотые монеты
- Weight: 31.1
- Value: 100
- Purity: 999.9
- Quality: PROOF