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Main office of the Central Bank
Contact number (+998 71) 212-62-05

Previous reserve requirement ratios

Update date:  25 Apr 2022, 18:11
Reserve Requirement Normatives
(Until 31 May, 2018y)

in percent

Validity period On demand deposits of legal entities in the national currency and on deposits up to 1 year On deposits of legal entities in th national currency with a term of 1 to 3 years  On deposits of legal entities in the national currency with a term of more than 3 years On deposits of legal entities in the foreign currency
1 2 3 4 5
From May 1, 1994y 30 10 30
From January 1, 1995y 25 10 25
From July 1, 1996y 25 10  
From December 1, 1997y 20 10  
From May 1, 2000y 20  
From February 1, 2005y 15 5
From August 1, 2005y 15 8
From September 1, 2007y 13
From November 1, 2008 y 15
From September 1, 2009y 15 12 10,5 the same standards are set for foreign currency deposits

Reserve Requirement Normatives
(From June 1, 2018 y - To September, 2018y)

in percent

Type of liability Period Reserve requirement normatives
1 2 3
Deposits of legal entities in national currency* more than 2 years 0
from 1 year to 2 year 7
other liabilities 14
Deposits of legal entities in foreign currency more than 2 years 0
from 1 year to 2 year 8
other liabilities 16
Deposits of individuals in national currency* more than 2 years 0
from 1 year to 2 year 2
other liabilities 4
Deposits of individuals in foreign currency more than 2 years 0
from 1 year to 2 year 3
other liabilities 6
* The average coefficient (0,1) is applied to these types of liabilities

Reserve Requirement Normatives
(From October1, 2018y - To June 30, 2019y)

in percent

Type of liability Period Reserve requirement normatives
1 2 3
Deposits of legal entities in national currency* more than 2 years 0
from 1 year to 2 year 2
other liabilities 4
Deposits of legal entities in foreign currency more than 2 years 0
from 1 year to 2 year 7
other liabilities 14
Deposits of individuals in national currency* more than 2 years 0
from 1 year to 2 year 2
other liabilities 4
Deposits of individuals in foreign currency more than 2 years 0
from 1 year to 2 year 7
other liabilities 14
* The average coefficient (0,1) is applied to these types of liabilities

Reserve Requirement Normatives
(From July 1, 2019y - To August 4, 2021y)

in percent

Type of liability Reserve requirement normatives
1 2
Deposits of legal entities in national currency* 4
Deposits of legal entities in foreign currency 14
Deposits of individuals in national currency* 4
Deposits of individuals in foreign currency 14
* The average coefficient for these types of liabilities for the period July 1, 2019y - March 31, 2020y (0,25), for the period April 1, 2020y - June 14, 2020y (0,35), for the period June 15, 2020y - August 4, 2021y (0,75) is applied 

Reserve Requirement Normatives
(From August 5, 2021y - To now)

in percent

Type of liabilities Reserve requirement normatives
1 2
Deposits of legal entities in national currency* 4
Deposits of legal entities in foreign currency 18
Deposits of individuals in national currency* 4
Deposits of individuals in foreign currency 18
* The average coefficient (0,8) is applied to these types of liabilities

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Reserve requirement ratios

USD = 12599.83
EUR = 13675.86
RUB = 147.78
GBP = 16214.72
JPY = 81.71
CHF = 14267.73
CNY = 1737.43
All currencies
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