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Remote Banking

Update date: 7 Mar 2022, 16:11

Remote Banking - Technology of banking services on the basis of the orders sent by the client remotely (ie without a visit to the bank), often with the use of computer and telephone networks.

Types of remote banking services:

Bank-Client - system, which is accessed through the computer. On the user's workstation to install a separate client program. The client program on your computer stores all of its data, as a rule, payment documents and account statements. Typically, to connect to the bank uses a direct connection via a modem.

Internet banking - service that allows customers to manage their bank deposit accounts, including open under plastic cards over the Internet. This service allows the customer to the bank in real time to make payments. The user logs into the system through a web browser. Internet banking system is placed on the bank's web server. All user data (payment documents and account statements) is available on the Bank's website.

Through online banking customer at any time at the workplace or any other place where there is access to the Internet can:

  • make payments;
  • monitor the process of payments;
  • obtain the necessary reports, including the receipt of funds in the account.

According to Internet banking technology is also built a mobile banking system.

SMS-banking - the bank's clients notice of their deposit accounts operations, including card, the state of these accounts by sending SMS-messages to the specified mobile phone number the client.

SMS-banking service enables the customer to get information about:

  • receipt of funds on the account;
  • write-off of funds from the account;
  • the balance of the account;
  • held in banking operations during the day.



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