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List of data from the open data portal

Update date: 22 May 2024, 09:36
O/N ID code Public data name Download
1 4-009-0001 Data on problem loans of commercial banks (no personal identification) Web service (API)
2 4-009-0002 Data on problem loans of commercial banks (no personal identification) XML CSV JSON XLSX
3 4-009-0003 Information about the state and economic management body, local government authority (name, location, mode of operation, contact numbers for working with the population, official website, email address, name of the head, geography) XML CSV JSON XLSX
4 4-009-0004 Information on subordinate organizations, branches and regional divisions of the organization (name, location, mode of operation, contact numbers for working with the population, the official website, email address, name of the head, geolocation) XML CSV JSON XLSX
5 4-009-0005 Information on existing vacancies XML CSV JSON XLSX
6 4-009-0006 Information on citizens' appeals in the context of the results of their consideration and channels of treatment (by phone, in writing, through the website, by e-mail) XML CSV JSON XLSX
7 4-009-0007 Information about regional headquarters of the Central bank (name, location, operation mode, contact phone numbers, e-mail address, names of management) XML CSV JSON XLSX
8 4-009-0008 Policy rate of the Central bank XML CSV JSON XLSX
9 4-009-0009 The rate of foreign currencies against the national currency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, set by the Central Bank XML CSV JSON XLSX
10 4-009-0010 List of commercial banks (name, location, official website) XML CSV JSON XLSX
11 4-009-0011 Certificate giving authority to conduct audits in banks (name of organization, mailing address, number and date of certificate, certificate holder, validity period) XML CSV JSON XLSX
12 4-009-0012 List of pawnshops (name of organization, address, number and date of license issuance) XML CSV JSON XLSX
13 4-009-0013 List of microcredit organizations (name of organizations, location, number and date of license issuance) XML CSV JSON XLSX
14 4-009-0014 Balance of Payments of the Republic of Uzbekistan XML CSV JSON XLSX
15 4-009-0015 International Investment Position of the Republic of Uzbekistan XML CSV JSON XLSX
16 4-009-0016 External Debt of the Republic of Uzbekistan XML CSV JSON XLSX
17 4-009-0017 International Reserves of the Republic of Uzbekistan XML CSV JSON XLSX
18 4-009-0018 Central Bank Review XML CSV JSON XLSX
19 4-009-0019 Other depository corporations (commercial banks) survey XML CSV JSON XLSX
20 4-009-0020 Depository Corporations Survey XML CSV JSON XLSX
21 4-009-0021 Dynamics of monetary aggregates XML CSV JSON XLSX
22 4-009-0022 Consolidated balance of microcredit organizations XML CSV JSON XLSX
23 4-009-0023 Main performance indicators of microcredit organizations grouped by asset size XML CSV JSON XLSX
24 4-009-0024 Microcredit organizations grouped by total and authorized capital XML CSV JSON XLSX
25 4-009-0025 Consolidated balance of pawnshops XML CSV JSON XLSX
26 4-009-0026 Main performance indicators of pawnshops grouped by asset size XML CSV JSON XLSX
27 4-009-0027 Pawnshops grouped by total and authorized capital XML CSV JSON XLSX
28 4-009-0028 Information on major indicators of commercial banks XML CSV JSON XLSX
29 4-009-0029 Information on major indicators of banking sector XML CSV JSON XLSX
30 4-009-0030 Information on the types of loans XML CSV JSON XLSX
31 4-009-0031 Mortgage loans extended to individuals XML CSV JSON XLSX
32 4-009-0032 Consolidated balance of commercial banks XML CSV JSON XLSX
33 4-009-0033 Selected performance indicators of commercial banks grouped by assets XML CSV JSON XLSX
34 4-009-0034 Grouping of commercial banks by total aggregate and authorized capital XML CSV JSON XLSX
35 4-009-0035 Balance on deposits and certificates of deposit XML CSV JSON XLSX
36 4-009-0036 Capital adequacy of the banking sector XML CSV JSON XLSX
37 4-009-0037 Dynamics of banking sector liquidity XML CSV JSON XLSX
38 4-009-0038 Information on loans of commercial banks by industry XML CSV JSON XLSX
39 4-009-0039 Indicators of profitability of the banking sector XML CSV JSON XLSX
40 4-009-0040 Information on relative indicators of the banking system XML CSV JSON XLSX
41 4-009-0041 Bank interest rates on deposits in foreign currency XML CSV JSON XLSX
42 4-009-0042 Bank interest rates on loans in foreign currency XML CSV JSON XLSX
43 4-009-0043 Bank interest rates on deposits in national currency XML CSV JSON XLSX
44 4-009-0044 Bank interest rates on loans in national currency XML CSV JSON XLSX
45 4-009-0045 Bank interest rates on preferential loans in national currency XML CSV JSON XLSX
46 4-009-0046 Number of users of remote banking service XML CSV JSON XLSX
47 4-009-0047 Information on issued bank plastic cards, terminals, ATMs and self-service terminals, as well as the amount of payments made through payment terminals XML CSV JSON XLSX
48 4-009-0048 Analytical data on settlements through the Interbank Payment System (by type of payment documents) XML CSV JSON XLSX
49 4-009-0049 Analytical information about payments through the Clearing system of settlements of the Central Bank XML CSV JSON XLSX
50 4-009-0050 Analytical information about transactions through Fast payment system of Central bank XML CSV JSON XLSX
51 4-009-0051 Registry of payment systems operators XML CSV JSON XLSX
52 4-009-0052 Registry of payment organizations XML CSV JSON XLSX
53 4-009-0053 Registry of electronic money systems XML CSV JSON XLSX
54 4-009-0054 Information about public procurement, including goods (works, services) purchased by persons engaged in public procurement under direct contracts. XML CSV JSON XLSX
55 4-009-0055 Expenses for official business trips of officials and for the reception of guests who have arrived from abroad (the purpose of the business trip or visit, expenses for daily subsistence allowance, transport and accommodation (with the exception of state secrets and information intended for official use). XML CSV JSON XLSX
56 4-009-0056 Information about official motor vehicles, official housing and other immovable property at the disposal of state bodies and organizations (with the exception of things used in operational search, military and other special services). XML CSV JSON XLSX
57 4-009-0057 Information on the names and surnames of the executive body (director, chairman of the board, members of the board) and members of the supervisory board of state-owned enterprises, which themselves perform the functions of shareholders (participants, owners) XML CSV JSON XLSX
58 4-009-0058 Information on state-owned enterprises, as well as cars, service houses and other real estate owned by legal entities belonging to these enterprises. XML CSV JSON XLSX
59 4-009-0059 In addition to the approved annual cost estimate, its implementation, including the construction, reconstruction and capital repair of facilities, the cost of purchasing and maintaining motor vehicles, and other information. XML CSV JSON XLSX
60 4-009-0060 Information about each audit and inspection carried out (name of the object of control, purpose and timing of the control event, position, surname, name of the civil servant who conducted it) with ensuring the protection of information constituting state or other secrets protected by law (after notifying the head of the relevant controlling body).
61 4-009-0061 ATM information

USD = 12937.16
EUR = 13937.20
RUB = 154.55
GBP = 16754.92
JPY = 85.91
CHF = 14658.01
CNY = 1781.29
All currencies
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