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Behzod Hamraev

Update date: 10 Oct 2024, 11:58
Behzod Hamraev
Deputy Chairman - Member of the Board
E-mail: info@cbu.uz
Place of work, position Deputy chairman of the Central bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan –  Member of the Board 
Date of birth   1983
Place of birth Bukhara region
Nationality   Uzbek
Education  In 2004, he graduated from Tashkent state university of economics. (bachelor's degree)
 In 2006, he graduated from Tashkent state university of economics. (master's degree)
 In 2016, he graduated from the  National Institute of Political Science of Japan.
Major Statistics, econometrics
Work experience in banking  12 years
In current position  since 2020   
Telephone 71-212-60-12

Supervises the activities of the Department of Public Relations and Communication Policy, Department of Monetary Policy, Department of Statistics and Research, Department of Monetary Operations, Department of Financial Stability, Department of Compliance Control and Internal Audit and coordinates the activities of the newspaper "Bank axborotnomasi", the magazine "Bozor, pul va kredit", and the work of the State Unitary Enterprise "Davlat belgisi" of the Central Bank.

He has the right to dispose of the reserve funds and loans of the Central Bank, as well as to use the monetary instruments of the Central Bank and coordinate monetary operations.

He is given the right to dispose of the reserve funds and loans of the Central Bank.
Also, he is tasked with the use of monetary instruments and coordination monetary operations of the Central Bank.

09:00 - 11:00
USD = 12970.19
EUR = 13572.01
RUB = 142.20
GBP = 16351.52
JPY = 85.42
CHF = 14404.92
CNY = 1781.64
All currencies
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