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Update date: 8 Oct 2021, 11:17

Information on the release of gold and silver commemorative coins for sale dedicated
to the 30th Anniversary of the Independence of the
Republic of Uzbekistan

 Starting August 30, 2021, the Central Bank releases for sale commemorative coins made of gold and silver dedicated to the thirtieth Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The designs of commemorative coins are created in cooperation with specialists from the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan.

Total of 2400 commemorative coins on sale are in 2 designs. These include 400 gold coins, half of which weigh 15 grams and the rest weigh 20 grams, and 2000 silver coins weighing 31.1 grams. All commemorative coins are made of precious metals with 999.9 fineness.

The sale prices of commemorative coins are set and published by the Central Bank in national currency on a daily basis.


Information on the release of gold commemorative coins and souvenir sets for sale,
dedicated to the 580th anniversary
of Alisher Navoi

Starting March 16, 2021, the Central Bank releases for sale commemorative coins and souvenir sets made of gold, dedicated to the 580th anniversary of the great poet Alisher Navoi.

Commemorative coins are offered in 2 designs, both portraying Alisher Navoi. Designs of souvenir sets, which include 5 different gold coins, illustrate heroes of the novel “Xamsa”.

In total, 1200 commemorative coins are offered for sale, including 1000 coins weighing 20 grams and 200 coins weighing 31.1 grams. Souvenir sets consist of 5 gold coins each weighing either 20 or 31.1 grams, with unlimited mintage. All commemorative coins and souvenir sets are made of gold with 999.9 fineness.

The sale prices of commemorative coins and souvenir sets are established and published by the Central Bank in national currency on a daily basis.

USD = 12938.11
EUR = 14076.66
RUB = 149.99
GBP = 16767.79
JPY = 87.33
CHF = 14665.73
CNY = 1786.05
All currencies
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