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Inflation calculator

Update date: 5 Mar 2025, 09:27

You can use the inflation calculator to find out what goods and services were worth in today's money when adjusted for inflation and vice versa.

The cost of the consumer basket (according to the CPI), which was ... sum in ..., will cost
... sum
in ...
... %
Cumulative inflation for the period
... %
Compound average monthly rate
... %
Compound average annual rate

About the inflation calculator

An inflation calculator is a financial tool that helps individuals and businesses understand the impact of inflation on the purchasing power of money over time. By entering a specific amount and selecting a time period, users can see how much that amount would be worth in today's terms or in the past.

The inflation calculator calculates price changes based on the dynamics of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) over a selected period. It determines the final value of a given amount at the end of the period, as well as the average annual and average monthly inflation rates.

The calculator uses the monthly Consumer Price Index (CPI) data compiled by the Statistics Agency.

For example, to determine how much goods and services worth 100,000 UZS in December 2020 would cost in December 2022, the following will be used:

CPI for December 2020 = 190.9

CPI for December 2022 = 235.7


Thus, the value of goods and services worth 100,000 UZS in December 2020 amounted to 123,468 UZS in December 2022.

USD = 12929.37
EUR = 13963.72
RUB = 152.87
GBP = 16718.97
JPY = 85.91
CHF = 14630.95
CNY = 1780.32
All currencies
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