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Main office of the Central Bank
Contact number (+998 71) 212-62-05

Clarifying Questions on the Preliminary Request for proposal

Update date:  14 Jul 2023, 09:37
14 Jul 2023

The Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan requests interested organizations to get acquainted with the preliminary Request for proposal for consulting services on analysis of existing data collection systems, development of new data management system and data model, as well as development of business and technical requirements for the Automated Data Reporting in the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In case of any clarifying questions on the expected works specified in the Request for proposal, please send them electronically to suptech@cbu.uz until July 20, 2023 inclusive.

To discuss the received questions, a videoconference will be organized on July 25, 2023 at 16:00 (GMT+5) at the following link:


Link to Request of proposal

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