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Central Bank of Uzbekistan staff authors World Bank Treasury publication, Gold Investing Handbook for Asset Managers

Update date:  25 Mar 2024, 12:44
25 Mar 2024

The Central Bank of Uzbekistan announces the publication of a World Bank thematic report authored by Kamol Alimukhamedov, Deputy Director of the International Reserves Management Department of the Central Bank of Uzbekistan and former visiting staff at the World Bank Treasury.

The Gold Investing Handbook for Asset Managers provides a comprehensive overview of the gold market, including its governance, strategic value, and portfolio management considerations. Furthermore, the Handbook delves into the practical aspects of gold trading and navigating the emerging landscape of sustainable gold investing for public asset managers.

Kamol drafted the Handbook while participating in the World Bank Milken Institute Public Financial Asset Management Program (PFAM), hosted by the World Bank Reserve Advisory & Management Partnership, known as RAMP.

The paper is published in English and can be accessed through ramp.worldbank.org or directly here.

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