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Mamarizo Nurmuratov has ended his work as the Chairman of the Board of the Central Bank

Update date: 11 Dec 2024, 21:56
11 Dec 2024
By the decision of the Council of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan and in accordance with the presentation of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Mamarizo Berdimuratovich Nurmuratov ended his work as Chairman of the Board of the Central Bank.

The meeting held at the Central Bank was attended by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan - Minister of Economy and Finance Jamshid Kuchkarov, who recognized Mamarizo Nurmuratov's long-term fruitful work and worthy contribution to the development of the banking system of our country.

During Mamarizo Nurmuratov's tenure as Chairman of the Central Bank, a number of important reforms were implemented, in particular, the liberalization of the foreign exchange market, the transition to an inflation targeting regime in monetary policy, the digitization of the banking system, the expansion of new financial institutions as a result of the liberalization of the banking and financial system, and the entry into a new stage in ensuring the openness and transparency of the Central Bank's activities. 

In turn, the Central Bank team expresses gratitude to Mamarizo Berdimuratovich for his high services, his dedication as a fair and sincere leader, and his devoted mentor. We wish him good health, long life, and success in his future endeavors.

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