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BRIEF REVIEW on Balance of payments and international investment position of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the I half of 2022

Update date: 30 Sep 2022, 15:48
30 Sep 2022

For the 1st half of 2022, the current account formed with a deficit of USD 830 million (USD 3.3 billion for the 1st half of 2021). At the same time, the negative trade (goods and services) balance (USD 6.5 billion) was partially offset by the positive balance of primary income and secondary income (USD 5.7 billion).

Negative balance of the financial account for the 1st half of 2022 accounted for USD 52.5 million (USD 3.7 billion for the 1st half of 2021). Financial account analysis shows that, on liabilities, mainly “foreign direct investments” and “other investments” components showed an increase of USD 895.0 million and USD 3.2 billion, respectively, whereas on assets, “currency and deposits” and “reserve assets” components increased by USD 3.4 billion and USD 285.2 million.

Net increase in foreign direct investments to Republic of Uzbekistan accounted for USD 895.4 million (USD 1.3 billion for the 1st half of 2021). Furthermore, net investments in capital (excluding operations of enterprises operating on the basis of product sharing agreements) amounted to USD 362.8 million, as well as, debt instruments from parent companies was equal to USD 505.6 million. A net disbursement of investments by enterprises operating on the basis of product sharing agreements was USD 325.1 million.

Net deficit of portfolio investments accounted for USD 6.9 million in the 1st half of 2022.

The net international investment position of the Republic of Uzbekistan increased by 9% (USD 1.6 billion) compared to the beginning of this year and as of 1st July accounted for USD 18.5 billion. The total volume of the assets in foreign currency and external liabilities of the Republic of Uzbekistan amounted to USD 74.7 billion and 56.3 billion, respectively.


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