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Indicators of openness of the Central Bank's activities

Update date: 4 Mar 2025, 16:42

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-154 dated June 14, 2022, "On measures to implement a system for improving and evaluating the level of openness of the activities of government agencies and organizations

Indicators of the openness of the Central Bank's activities

Name of the Openness Criterion Names of Openness Indicators
1 Effectiveness of the activities of employees responsible for ensuring openness in government agencies and organizations Press conferences, briefings, press tours, presentations, and other events
Live broadcasts on social media platforms
Participation of leaders in press conferences, briefings, and other events
Form of information delivery
(video, photo, infographics, news (Text))
Scope of information: Official website,
Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube.
Coverage of sector-related issues
Reactions to critical materials
Publication of information about events on official websites, messengers, and social media platforms
Official statement issued by the leader or head of the information service in relation to a specific information event
Publication of materials in foreign mass media:
The Tenge, Plusworld, IMF, and others
2 The state of placing information and providing electronic government services on the official websites of government agencies and organizations. The effective implementation of the feedback system.
The publication of regulatory legal documents related to the organization's activities
The publication of internal departmental documents.
(1) (2) (3)
The publication of information regarding regulatory legal documents that have lost their validity
The publication of information regarding approved programs.
The publication of information regarding public events.
The publication of information regarding vacant job positions.
The ability to watch the interview process of candidates with the experts' group online.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5
The publication of information regarding the drafts of developed regulatory legal documents.
The publication of information regarding coordinating and advisory bodies.

Council on gender equality issues
Council of youth leaders
Publication of information about government agencies and organizations, as well as their territorial structures
The availability of links to the websites of organizations under departmental subordination
Publication of information about the procedure for handling requests from individuals and legal entities
Publication of the summarized results of the requests
Regarding links to other official websites and the Government portal.
Systematization of a separate section of information on urgent topics: Socially significant information
Interactive services
Combating corruption
Information about employees responsible for the press service and websiteI
Synchronization functions for information in other languages
Mobile version of the official website
Opportunity to interactively explore new information
Implementation of tools for public opinion research
Simplified methods for searching information on the website
Website accessibility for individuals with limited abilities
Website accessibility for individuals with visual impairments
Display of information dates
"Online consultant" service
3 Publication of socially significant information on information resources specified by legislation and the establishment of a system of accountability to the public Publication of reports related to its activities:
Article 15 of the Law "On the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan" stipulates that the Central Bank's annual report must be submitted to the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan no later than May 15. After being reviewed by the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, the annual report is published on the official website of the Central Bank
Information on the location and time of discussions of reports with the participation of the general public
Discussion of reports with the participation of the general public
Publication of information on approved work plans
Publication of information on report (board) meetings


Publication of information on the expenses of officials
Publication of information on motor vehicle.

(State Unitary Enterprise "Republican Collection Service" of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan provides automotive transport services to the executive staff of the Central Bank under a contractual agreement.)
Publication of information on service housing and other real estate
Publication of information on the cost estimates
Publication of information on the budget and off-budget funds. (Article 3 of the Law "On the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan" specifies that the Central Bank covers its expenses from its own income and is not financed by the state budget or state target funds)
Publication of information on public procurement 

Procurement plan
Publication of information on the composition of the procurement commission
Publication of information on procedures for carrying out public procurement
Publication of information on proposals developed to improve transparency
Publication of information on the self-assessment procedure (1) (2)
Publication of information on the procedure for reviewing complaints in the field of transparency

Procedure for reviewing requests
Procedure for processing requests for information
Service for checking the status of an application

Publication of information on legislative acts adopted to ensure transparency: Decree No. PF-6247 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
Decree No. PF-154 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
Decree No. PF-200 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
On the block for conducting an online survey on ensuring transparency
On the implementation of the procedure for passporting open data sets
On the system for assessing the efficiency of open data sets and feedback
4 Publication of information on ensuring the transparency of the budget process on the official website Publication of information on the allocation of funds
 (Article 3 of the Law "On the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan" specifies that the Central Bank covers its expenses from its own income and is not financed by the state budget or state target funds)
Publication of information on the implementation of projects financed through capital investments
Publication of information on public procurement
Publication of information on the purchase of fixed assets
Publication of information on the purchase of low-cost and quickly depreciable items
Publication of information on construction, reconstruction, and repair works
5 Placement of information on the Open Data Portal Publication of data sets on the Open Data Portal
Publication of socially significant data sets
Share of open data sets linked to geolocation
Open data linked to unified electronic government identifiers
6 Introduction of mass communication technologies  Feedback
Interactive methods for submitting applications

Virtual reception of the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Submission of reports on corrupt practices by Central Bank employees
Submission of applications to the department for the protection of bank service consumers' rights
Communication system with users through communication networks
Direct communication system with management
7 Use of transparency principles in the timely detection and prevention of corruption Open publication of internal departmental documents on the timely detection and prevention of corruption
Publication of information about dedicated communication channels for reporting corruption
System for preventing corruption in personnel selection and placement
Publication of documents establishing a zero-tolerance stance on corruption

Address by the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan on combating corruption
Sample employment contract
Procedure for encouraging employees who report corruption-related offenses in the Central Bank system and guaranteeing their protection against retaliation
Accountability system for conflicts of interest
Accountability system for identifying corruption risks, taking preventive measures, and reporting results
Publication of information on measures to raise employee awareness of internal anti-corruption procedures and improve their knowledge and skills in the field
Publication of press events (press conferences, briefings, seminars, training, roundtables, presentations, discussions, and other events) with public and media participation
Publication of advocacy materials (slides, videos, speech texts, articles, booklets, brochures, etc.) prepared to promote a zero-tolerance approach  towards corruption

Chairman’s Address of the Central Bank
Training manual
Annual training plan
8 Effectiveness of the Public Council's Activities Article 19 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the Central Bank stipulates that the highest authority of the Central Bank is the Central Bank's Board, which consists of nine members.

Moreover, the composition of the Central Bank Board includes two independent members, who are confirmed by the Council of the Senate of the Supreme Assembly of the Republic of Uzbekistan based on the proposal of the Chairman of the Central Bank.

The independent members of the Central Bank Board are selected from experienced professionals with deep knowledge and many years of experience in the banking and financial sector. Their role is to define the key directions of the Central Bank’s activities and contribute to enhancing public oversight in the decision-making and management process.

Information about the independent members and their work plans are published on the official website of the Central Bank and are regularly updated.

The task of establishing the Public Council has been confirmed through attachments verifying the removal from control in the "Ijro.gov.uz" interdepartmental electronic system.

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