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The Central Bank delegation held meetings with a number of financial organizations in Korea

Update date:  10 Nov 2023, 19:07
10 Nov 2023
On November 6-8, the delegation of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan participated in the international forum on the topic “Management of International Reserves” organized by the World Bank in Seoul (Korea), and also held meetings with leading Korean banks.

During the forum, with the participation of the leadership of a number of foreign central banks and international experts, the parties shared experience in the field of managing international reserves, ensuring the proportionality of monetary policy and reserve management, as well as managing assets and liabilities of the central bank.

The visit also included bilateral meetings with Marco Ruiz, Director of the International Partnerships Department of the World Bank Treasury (RAMP), Min Jahong, Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Korea, Ju Dong Bin, Managing Director of the Development Bank of Korea (DKB), and Paul Jong Ha, Deputy Chairman of Kookmin Bank, to discuss ways to further strengthen cooperation, as well as joint staff development activities.

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