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The results of the mission of the delegation of the International Monetary Fund were discussed

Update date:  15 Nov 2022, 19:05
15 Nov 2022
A meeting was held at the Central Bank between the leadership of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the representatives of the delegation led by Ron van Ruden, the head of the mission for the country, regarding the results of the staff visit of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) representatives to Uzbekistan.

The meeting reviewed a report prepared following the visit of the IMF representatives, in which a high assessment was given to the monetary policy pursued in recent years.

In addition, macroeconomic expectations for the coming years were discussed in the country. In particular, the parties exchanged views on ways to reduce the share of the shadow economy, the impact of privatization on the domestic foreign exchange market, and the experience of foreign countries in regulating practices related to capital movements.

In addition, the importance of further reducing state participation in the economy and conducting a coordinated monetary and fiscal policy in order to reduce inflation was emphasized.

At the end of the meeting, important areas of cooperation with the IMF in the future were agreed.

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