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Frequently Asked Questions

Deposits 1

  • How is information about deposits and money transfers in commercial banks provided to close relatives (parents, full and half-siblings, spouses, children, grandparents, etc.)?

    How is information about deposits and money transfers in commercial banks provided to close relatives (parents, full and half-siblings, spouses, children, grandparents, etc.)?

    According to Article 3 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Banking Secrecy," information about transactions, accounts, and deposits of clients constitutes banking secrecy and is protected by the bank.

    Additionally, according to Article 8 of the same law, information constituting banking secrecy is provided to the client, their authorized representatives, and other persons in accordance with the procedure established by this law.

    Based on the above, authorized representatives of an individual (including relatives) who provide a document confirming their authority (power of attorney) to receive information constituting banking secrecy have the right to apply to commercial banks in the prescribed manner.

    Furthermore, in case of a property dispute that is considered in court, according to Article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Banking Secrecy," information constituting banking secrecy is provided to the court based on its written request regarding cases under the court’s proceedings concerning the bank's client.

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