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International Reserves of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Update date:  6 Jan 2024, 20:13
6 January 2024
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  International Reserves of the Republic of Uzbekistan  
  I. Official reserve assets and other foreign currency assets 1/11/2023 1/12/2023 1/1/2024  
  A.   Official reserve assets  32 904,0 32 896,5 34 564,7  
  Foreign currency reserves (in convertible foreign currencies) 8 380,3 8 618,2 9 369,5  
  (a)   Securities   
  of which: issuer headquartered in reporting country but located abroad   
  (b)  Total currency and deposits with:   8 380,3 8 618,2 9 369,5  
  (i)   other national central banks, BIS and IMF  391,5 336,1 566,8  
  (ii)   banks headquartered in the reporting country   
  of which: located abroad   
  (iii)  banks headquartered outside the reporting country  7 988,7 8 282,1 8 802,7  
  of which: located in the reporting country   
  Gold 23 972,4 23 725,9 24 632,2  
  — volume in millions of fine troy ounces  12,0 11,6 11,9  
  Other reserve assets  
  — financial derivatives   
  — loans to nonbank nonresidents   
  — other  
  B.   Other foreign currency assets 26,8 28,4 86,3  
  — securities not included in official reserve assets   
  — deposits not included in official reserve assets  20,4 22,6 81,3  
  — loans not included in official reserve assets   
  — financial derivatives not included in official reserve assets   
  — gold not included in official reserve assets  6,4 5,8 5,0  
  — other   

USD = 12599.83
EUR = 13675.86
RUB = 147.78
GBP = 16214.72
JPY = 81.71
CHF = 14267.73
CNY = 1737.43
All currencies
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