A number of internal and external factors influenced the state of the balance of payments of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2019.
The internal factors that influenced the state of the balance of payments in 2019, as in 2018 were a high level of lending in the economy associated with the accelerated implementation of development programs of industries and regions, and an increase in external borrowing and investments.
The external factors that affected the balance of payments were the positive dynamics of world prices for commodities (energy and precious metals), as well as an increase in the growth of incoming cross-border remittances.
Negative balance of current account was formed due to aforementioned factors and amounted to USD 3.2 billion. Moreover, negative balance of trade and international services (USD 9.6 billion) partially was compensated with positive balance of primary and secondary incomes (USD 6.3 billion).
Net acquisition of assets by residents (USD 3.1 billion) and the growth of residents’ financial liabilities (USD 9.6 billion) generated negative balance of financial account in the amount of USD 6.5 billion.
Net international investment position of the Republic of Uzbekistan as of January 1, 2020 amounted to USD 12.3 billion. Government sector retained “net lender” position, while other sectors and banking sector are classified as “net lender” and “net borrower” relative to the rest of the world.
Total external debt amounted to USD 24.4 billion, of which USD 15.8 billion belongs to government sector and USD 8.6 billion is private external debt.
Detailed information on changes of aforementioned indicators and analysis of changes regarding previous years are presented in the Central bank’s publication on Balance of payments, international investment position and external debt for 2019.